Basic Introduction to Business Greening
When a business decides to “go green”, essentially what is being communicated is a company’s intention to implement various practices that take into consideration their impact that they have as a business in areas pertaining to the environment, as well as social, financial and cultural aspects within the organization. This would also include developing knowledge on how best to manage these systems and make responsible decisions in their day to day operations with the above in mind.
At its core, business sustainability focuses on managing on what has become known as the triple bottom line (and I quote)
“A process by which companies manage their financial, social and environmental risks, obligations and opportunities. These three impacts are sometimes referred to as profits, people and planet.”
Some of the main advantages of becoming a sustainable business through business greening are as follows:
- Saving money over a period of time;
- Building brand awareness;
- Managing limited and scarce resources more efficiently and responsibly;
- Attracting up and coming talent to work for your company; and
- Demonstrating to customers that you care and are willing to make a positive contribution to society.