Can Events and Business Make a Difference in Reducing Our Carbon Footprint?
With the carbon tax being implemented in South Africa soon, what impact can events and businesses really make when looking at their carbon footprint? It is important to note, that carbon foot-printing isn’t only looking at carbon offsetting through purchasing carbon credits, but also encompasses a much wider scope. Events and business would also need […]
Basic Introduction to Business Greening
When a business decides to “go green”, essentially what is being communicated is a company’s intention to implement various practices that take into consideration their impact that they have as a business in areas pertaining to the environment, as well as social, financial and cultural aspects within the organization. This would also include developing knowledge […]
An Introduction to GingerBiscuit’s Head Ginger, Lisa Jade Merven
Each month we shine the light on an Event Greening Forum member who is making noteworthy achievements in their event greening efforts. This month we feature Lisa Jade Merven, the founder of GingerBiscuit, a sustainable event management and consulting company. Read More